- Programmability: In simple terms it means we can customize the aid according to wearer’s needs.
- Much greater precision in adjusting electro- magnetic parameter
- Self-monitoring capabilities, including self-calibration
- Control of acoustic feedback (a serious practical problem with higher gain hearing aids/ analog hearing aids)
- The use of advanced digital signal processing techniques for noise reduction
- Automatic control of signal levels
- Self-adaptive adjustments to changing acoustic environments (artificial intelligence)
The many advantages offered by digital hearing aids could be sub divided into 2 broad groups
- Signal processing capabilities that are analogous to, but superior to those offered by conventional analog hearing aids
- It includes the ability to tune more finely the same electro acoustic parameters that would be adjusted in an analog hearing aid.
- Signal processing capabilities that are unique to digital systems and that can’t be implemented in conventional analog hearing aids.
- This includes sophisticated noise and feedback reduction techniques requiring storage of the signal for processing.